5 Tips For Successful Weight Loss In A Natural Way


There are many ways to lose weight. Anything worth having is never easy, but when it comes to weight loss having some good information really makes the journey whole lot easier. A healthy digestion is required to reduce body weight. For that you need to take a healthy diet and do some exercise in addition to it. Some people may not have time to do exercise, and some may hate to do exercises. For both type of persons, I'm going to share some useful simple tips to lose weight naturally without any exercise or hard work. 

1. Honey to look slim:

Honey has many nutritional values. Take 1 spoon of honey and mix it in the hot water. Drink this regularly in the early morning before taking food. You will become slim and fit within 2 weeks. Taking honey in daily life will reduce the risk of heart attack, it reduces blood pressure and other heart related diseases. 

2. Herbal tea to reduce body weight:

Take small quantity of ajwain (omam), cumin (siragam) and cinnamon (pattai). Roast them in a small flame and powder it. Add half teaspoon of this powder to hot water. Add 1 spoon of honey to this mixture, now it's ready to sip. Drink this essence instead of tea and coffee and you will see the visible results in a week. 

3. Kashayam to lose weight:

The combination of ginger, black pepper, cinnamon (pattai), turmeric and lemon are also playing an important role in reducing excess fat in our body. First boil the water add small quantities of ginger, black pepper, cinnamon and let them boil for some time. When the water gets boiled add some quantity of turmeric powder, lemon juice and palm jaggery ( vellam) to it. If you don't have palm jaggery don't worry you can also use honey instead of it.  Now filter the essence. Drink this kashayam in nighttime before going to bed. The kashayam will work overnight and reduce the excess fat in your body. Drink this for 1 month to get better results. 

4. Aromatic flower bud to improve digestion:

Cloves (Lavangam) is an aromatic flower bud of a tree which is used in cooking. It has an important place in ayurveda. Just put 1 Lavangam in your mouth before 30 minutes of eating breakfast. Do the same in afternoon and also in night. The medicinal properties in Lavangam will mix in the saliva and goes to the stomach. A chemical substance named Eugenol will increase the digestion in our stomach. So that the excess fat in your body will burn and you will become slim in 1 month. Don't take more than 3 Lavangam in a day. It may create burning sensation in the stomach. Other health benefits of Lavangam are it will improve constipation, decrease teeth pain and anti-inflammation, boost immunity and decreases the risk of liver damage. 

5. Drumstick leaves to reduce belly fat:

Taking drumstick leaves in day-to-day life is good for health.  Drumstick leaves are highly nutritious, and it will reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. Grind the drumstick leaves and add some lemon juice to it. Drink 1 glass of water and do some exercise in the early morning, then drink this juice to get better results. It will reduce the belly fat and you will see the visible changes in 1 week. 

Follow any one of these tips to reduce your weight naturally. The above tips will not create any side effect to your body, so you can follow these tips without any fear.

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