5 Simple Natural Beauty Tips For Face


Our face shows our beauty and we can get a glowing skin irrespective  of age when we take proper care. Some people prefer artificial creams and lotions. These things may contain harsh chemical ingredients which may damage your skin. Here I am going to share 5 simple tips to maintain your beauty naturally. 

Tomato for glowing skin:  

Tomato removes dirt and pollution from our face. Apply tomato juice in the face and give a gentle massage, leave it for sometimes. Wash with cold water to get dirt free glowing skin. 

Curd for smooth skin

The lactic acid present in the curd helps to exfoliate your skin and make your skin smooth. Apply curd on your face, leave it for 20 minutes and wash with cold water. You will see visible results in two weeks.                                                                      

Lemon for light skin tone:

Lemon contains natural antioxidants and bleaching agent which lightens your skin. Add lemon juice in little water and apply it on your face before going to bed. Wash your face after 10 minutes and do this thrice in a week to lighten your skin tone. 

Potatoes for spotless skin:

Potato help to get rid of the dark spots, marks and blemishes from the skin. To remove darkness grind potato and apply the paste on your face, leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off to get a spotless skin. 

Papaya for moisturized skin:

Papaya clears pigmentation in the skin, removes tan, reduce pimple outbreaks and keeps your skin smooth and moisturized. Apply papaya pure in your face, leave it for half an hour and wash with warm water. The bleaching agent present in it removes dark spots, dead cells, dirt and helps to get a glowing face. 

In this busy world we don't get time to care for ourselves. You should spare some time to maintain your beauty in natural ways. Beauty is not about how much money you spend in buying beauty products. It's all about how much time you spend to make you look gorgeous. The ingredients in this homemade remedy are available in our kitchen and they are used in our day to day life. So try these tips and become more gorgeous. 


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